Tensael Abebe
Atta de Tolk

A full multilingual web design
Elgyn Real Estate Marketplace

After visiting Ethiopia multiple times, I’ve noticed a struggle point for second generation diaspora’s, when trying to find a house to buy/rent as they are used to in their country of living. That’s why I created Elfygn, User-friendly Real Estate marketplace that connects buyers and sellers online. With a view to counter immediate unemployment of…
House of Glam

Full web design for House of Glam including header video design and image design.
YouTube Channel: Weet Ik Veel

Cras eget est id diam lacinia bibendum a non leo. Aliquam non finibus urna. Cras nisi velit, ornare a dolor vitae, ullamcorper posuere ex. Quisque quis nisi magna. Curabitur eleifend lorem vel neque tristique eleifend at eget nulla. Maecenas hendrerit, dolor a egestas accumsan, est est hendrerit dui, a feugiat eros ex vitae leo. Nulla…